Thursday, 16.01.2025.
Канцеларија за јавне набавке 5 News 5 Certificates to public procurement officers awarded

Certificates to public procurement officers awarded


In the premises of the Palace of Serbia, in the period from 29 to 30 July 2024, two ceremonial awards of certificates were organised for 148 public procurement officers. On that occasion, representatives of the Public Procurement Office presented certificates to the candidates who successfully passed the exam for public procurement officers according to the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, Nos. 91/19 and 92/23) and the Rules of procedure and conditions for obtaining a certificate for a public procurement officer and keeping the Register of Public Procurement Officers (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, Nos. 93/20, 21/21, 115/23, and 6/2024).

By passing the exam and obtaining a certificate for a public procurement officer, the level of expertise of public procurement employees is raised, which increases the success of public procurement procedures, as well as efficiency and productivity in their further professional work.